Text: Peter Johansson
Editing: Christer Lundstedt
Photos: Christer Lundstedt, Peter Johansson
Videos: Christer Lundstedt

Monday 10th of July

07.25 The ceiling fan in our room at Vista Express Morelia (https://www.vistahoteles.com/vista-morelia/) is spinning. Behind the clouds the sky is blue. Today the journey continues through Mexico. First, however, we will eat the first breakfast of the week.

08.21 It was not the heartiest breakfast we had and the coffee was weak. If I want to be full, I should probably become more familiar with the type of breakfast that Mexicans eat. There are Nachos and various different sauces, among other things.

09.03 We have checked out and asked for a taxi. It will be here soon, we hope. It's time to say goodbye to the pleasant city of Morelia.

09.40 Calmly and discreetly, we went with a taxi to the bus station. Some city intersections have traffic lights. In the others, the cog wheel principle applies here in the city, every other vehicle. I am glad that I am only a passenger. I don't want to drive in conditions like this. Due to heavy traffic, it took some time before we arrived.

10.19 At the top and at the front of the bus from Autovías (https://www.autovias.com.mx) we have sat down. These are excellent seats. We have an excellent view of what is coming in and on our way. It will be a relatively long journey east today towards the city of Toluca.

10.34 On the way out of town we saw another election poster. This time for Augusto López.

11.24 We travel comfortably east on road 15D which is a highway for long stretches.

12.01 After a short stop to exchange passengers in the small town of Maravatío, we are back on route 15D.

12.37 The bus drives quickly across the Rio Lerma. The road is a bit bumpy. With its 750 kilometers, the Rio Lerma is reportedly the country's second longest river. We have left the state of Michoacán and are now in the state with the same name as the country, Estado de México.

12.55 The bus has entered the bus terminal in Atlacomulco. Now we continue south.

At the bus terminal in Morelia.

We are waiting for our bus from Autovías.

Peter in the room at the Hotel San Francisco.

Late lunch or early dinner at Wine & Beer 308 Garden Grill.

Christer and two stabbed hamburgers.

Letras Toluca in front of Templo de la Santa Veracruz.

14.07 We have now arrived in Toluca. It's chaotic to say the least around and at the bus terminal here. We are glad we don't have to return here. Just recently, Christer went to a small kiosk where it said Caja Taxi Seguro. There he paid in advance for the taxi we are now taking towards the centre.

14.42 The first news that reached us in room 107 at the Hotel San Francisco (https://www.hotelsanfrancisco.com.mx) is that it appears that Turkey will approve Sweden's NATO application. The first of many steps in the right direction has been taken. As I said, we are in Toluca, a city with 910,608 inhabitants which is the capital of the state of México and is located at an altitude of 2660 meters above sea level. The city's name is actually Toluca de Lerdo but few say the whole name. Here we´ll stay one night.

15.20 We cannot be idle but at the same time do not have the full spark to get things done. But as far as tomorrow is concerned, some things are already ready.

16.28 A little rest and searches on the internet have made us ready to go out. We have some sense of where to direct our steps. Then it applies that we can and must enter.

16.44 Un momento, said the waiter at the small restaurant Wine & Beer 308 Garden Grill. We have since then ordered a Hamburguesa Sirloin each and are drinking beer from the brand Victoria.

16.55 In two small cups we have received chili con carne, bean soup or something like that. In any case, it is warm and spicy. It's a good start to a hopefully good meal.

17.15 It takes time to get the food. Even if hunger is the best spice, it's about to get really spicy. If I get too hungry, I won't enjoy the food.

17.58 It took time but it was welcome. The hamburgers with a large knife in each were tasty. Now I am sitting near the church Templo de la Santa Veracruz. The church began to be built in 1753 in a space where the Franciscans had built a chapel in the 16th century. More precisely, I'm actually sitting in front of or even between the letters of yet another city name. Letras Toluca is the name of this popular place. Many people usually want to be photographed next to the city's name.

Catedral de San José (Cathedral of Toluca).

Plaza de los Mártires, Toluca.

El Irlandés Coffee Shop in Toluca.

Peter writes down the latest happenings.

Christer enjoys quality coffee at El Irlandés.

Teatro Morelos, Toluca.

18.05 An airplane is heard above the large and beautiful square Plaza de los Mártires. Here we see a fountain and a large gray cathedral (Catedral de Toluca). Beautiful purple flowers grow in the flower beds. Around this square are the government buildings of the State of México (Estado de México).

18.23 There are people sitting in a cage outside the Palacio de Gobierno del Estado de México. Are they protesting about something? It seems so. The two of us sit at a table at El Irlandés Coffee Shop, waiting for coffee and brownies. Exactly one year ago we were on Irish soil. Today it is only Irish in name.

19.26 This is what I call a coffee stop! We were served coffee, brownies, chocolate sauce, ice cream and strawberry slices. El Irlandés is a cozy place where you can play board games, read books and of course drink coffee. Now we are at home in our hotel room for the evening meeting. On the way home we passed the nice park/square Plaza Gonzalez Arratia and some shopping streets. We also couldn't resist a visit to OXXO.

20.38 Tomorrow is not entirely in our hands. We will meet an acquaintance of Christer, Haydee Balbuena. We met her and her friends in Madrid and Barcelona on the New Year's trip 2013/2014. Now we are finally going to meet her on home soil here in Mexico. We've had an invitation here since we last met.

22.34 It's another Mexican evening with rain, thunder, lightning and also reading in our books. This rain thing doesn't bother me as long as I'm indoors.

Tuesday 11th of July

08.18 Today will be a different day for us. The usual pattern and routines will be changed. Today we are going to change cities and accommodation, but we are not going to take a bus or check into a hotel. We will be picked up here at the hotel at approximately 10:00. Then our Mexican friend Haydee comes here. That's definitely the plan anyway.

08.40 It is now time to get down from our floor to investigate what is included in what is called desayuno americano (American breakfast). We don't have high expectations after reading some reviews about it on the internet. Breakfast is served in the hotel's courtyard.

09.10 We got and ate eggs with ham or sausage, a small fruit salad, coffee, mashed beans and some grated cheese. At least it's edible and free, but it's not a good start to the day nutritionally. Our driver/hostess is currently on her way here from Valle de Bravo where she lives. Now, as so many times in the past, the classic morning routines are followed before check-out.

09.54 After the remote controls and room key have been returned to reception, we are now waiting for Haydee. This is done on a sofa in the lobby.

10.07 Several women who entered the hotel were observed by us, but so far no one has matched the appearance of the woman we are waiting for. Christer just got a message on WhatsApp that she is a little late. It is difficult to be exactly on time when you have to get through Mexican traffic.

10.22 The backpacks and ourselves are now in place in Haydee's car. Now it's off. Christer and Haydee have corresponded via the internet for many years and we have met before. As mentioned earlier, we saw each other in Spain at and shortly after the New Year's celebrations in 2013-2014. Think that it's almost ten years ago. Time passes quickly!

The breakfast table awaits us.

On the way from Toluca.

Beautiful landscape on the way to Valle de Bravo.

Haydee and Christer at Starbucks Avantaro.

Two tourists visit Starbucks.

Today's first destination.

11.06 We left Toluca and travel on a nice road through a green and hilly landscape. Here and there we see cattle. It will surely be meat and milk of good quality as the animals are allowed to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine. The landscape resembles Europe and there are a lot of conifers here. We are going on a toll road to get to Valle de Bravo as quickly as possible.

11.15 Haydee has paid money in a road toll for the second time on this trip. How lucky that we don't have so many of these at home.

11.49 When we arrived at Valle de Bravo, we turned towards the nearby town of Avantaro. Here there are many expensive fine houses that rich people in the capital own. Valle de Bravo is a popular resort within easy reach of Mexico City. We have now made a stop for a hot drink at Starbucks Avantaro, which is brand new. In fact, it is still being built around us. We have left the car with a guard who, for a fee, takes care of it and parks it.

12.37 After the bodies were replenished with good coffee, we set off on a short trip here in Avantaro. Now the souls and minds will have peace. We walk around in a scenic area. Here there is greenery, paths and running water. We are at Parque Velo de Novia. Eventually we will see a waterfall.

12.47 The path sloped downwards and now we pass by and enjoy the waterfall Cascada Velo de Novia. Here there are young people on excursions, people swim and climb around the waterfall and you can ride horses if you feel like it. It was good to walk downhill, but it will be sweaty when we turn back. Due to lack of time, we chose not to take a longer hiking trail past the lake below.

13.00 It is now time to return. This was an invigorating little stop. Lovely forest and nature after all the hours and days in the city environment.

Peter walks in Parque Velo de Novia.

Christer at Cascada Velo de Novia.

Some visitors swim at the waterfall.

Haydee and Peter.

The second waterfall of the day was La Cascada de Avandaro.

Lake view in Valle de Bravo.

13.26 The forest walk both strengthened me and made me tired. It strengthened the mind but the body became tired and sweaty. It's lucky we have a car we can travel with.

13.31 It was unexpectedly time for more waterfalls shortly after we got into the car. We have stopped at La Cascada de Avandaro, which is right next to the road into Valle de Bravo. It's time for more immortalization in the form of photography. The sun is shining but we also hear thunder.

14.01 Haydee has parked in a monitored parking area in the center of Valle de Bravo. More adventure awaits here. After getting some offers about it, we were offered a boat trip out on the lake that the city is situated by. The small boat Geronimo just docked at the rocking pier and we stepped aboard. We are going out on what is not a natural lake, but rather an impoundment of water due to a hydroelectric dam. In 1937, plans began for an electrical plant in this area. Construction began in 1938 and ended in 1947, ending with a dam that flooded 2,900 hectares and created the current reservoir (lake) that extends all the way to the state of Michoacán. The power plant forms part of the water system that supplies Mexico City.

14.22 The boat rocks relaxingly and almost hypnotically over the water. It can be fun to go by boat. The surrounding nature and buildings are beautiful. The town of Valle de Bravo is not that big. There are 61,590 inhabitants here, but many more may be here because of tourism and all the holiday homes.

14.33 The nice boat captain has offered to take photos of all three of us. This is an absolutely amazing day so far. We who thought it was tomorrow we would do all the things here and this day would just be a leisurely journey here.

Towards the marina!

Time for an unexpected boat trip.

We are photographed on board.

Beautiful views from the water.

Another town name is photographed.

We have arrived at the resort El Santuario.

14.52 The boat docked at the jetty after a lovely trip out on the water and we went back to the car. Now it's time to move on. What awaits us now? Of course it's good to get a ride, but we don't fully own the day. You never know what will happen next. A little adventure and surprises are perfectly fine, but a little unusual for us who often plan our days. My Spanish is non-existent and Christer's a bit limited. Also, Haydee doesn't understand everything we say in English. After all, we can have a decent conversation.

15.06 We have continued towards the northern part of Valle de Bravo and Haydee has told us that she and her husband (who is currently in the United States) are planning to have their future house in this part of town. Right now she lives in the same house as her parents.

15.22 We have now arrived at the resort El Santuario (https://www.elsantuario.com), which is a hotel, restaurant and conference center north of the city. Here we have met a larger group of Haydee's relatives. They are visiting here in town but otherwise live in Nogales, Arizona, United States. We will probably eat something here. We'll see what we order.

15.50 We have ordered wonderfully delicious tacos. Finally we start eating real Mexican food. It's not cheap here but why would it be in such a luxurious establishment?

16.55 It was good food and nice company. We've talked about a little bit of each. Among other things, we have talked about snow and also shown photos of snowy Swedish landscapes. We paid for the food. Haydee's hospitality is absolutely fantastic and she wants to offer us everything, but we somehow want to give something back after everything amazing that happened during the day.

17.04 At the end of the stay at El Santuario, we were treated to a fantastic spectacle of rain, thunder and lightning all around the landscape. Now it will be a drive back to the center for us and taxi trips for the American relatives.

Visitors from the United States in the restaurant at El Santuario.

We eat quality Mexican food.

Today we are tasting tacos.

Deteriorating weather situation.

After the rain.

Rooftop view from La Michoacana restaurant.

18.00 We are in the center of Valle de Bravo again. We have driven along steep and narrow streets both up and down. The car is now parked in a large garage and we have sat down at La Michoacana, which is the restaurant that Haydee's family owns and runs. Here we have said hello to Haydee's mother Aurora, who owns the restaurant. Next, we will order dinner. There won't be grasshoppers or cactus worms even though it's on the menu. We are sitting on a lovely terrace with a view of all the rooftops in the city centre.

19.27 Once again, the food was good and the beer probably the best I've tried in the country. It was locally brewed craft beer (Diente de León) from Valle de Bravo. This was perfect for us who have just been recruited to the app Untappd where you photograph and review different types of beer. Our friend Roberth and Christer and Roberth's high school friend Björn are the two who recruited us to this.

19.51 Now Haydee's brother Omar has promised to let us try mezcal. We got a lecture from him about mezcal and tequila. Mezcal is a collective name for distilled spirits made from species in the agave family as raw material. Mezcal is made by baking, grinding and boiling the leafless agave stem and then fermenting it into a mash that is distilled and stored for a short time, traditionally in clay mugs that may be burnt. The taste of mezcal is often "smoky" in character as the production traditionally takes place in underground pits. We also learned that the drink has many local variations and names around Mexico.

20.15 Mezcal with orange slices and worm salt was so much better than tequila. It had a smoky flavor that reminded me of whiskey. Now we will soon round off this intense day.

20.58 We have continued home to Haydee's parents' home, where Christer and I each got a room with a shared bathroom between us. This is great. Now I'm going to read a bit in my book before I crawl down in bed. There will probably only be a little reading. Everything we did today has left its mark. Tomorrow awaits a full day here in Valle de Bravo and surroundings.

21.33 I borrow Haydee's room and Christer stays in her brother's room. In the big house there are also some visiting relatives. Phones must be charged and in the rooms we have access to satellite TV.

We were invited to mezcal.

At home in Haydee's kitchen.

Wednesday 12th of July

07.35 It's not so bad to wake up to birds singing. It comes from some bird cages on the balcony outside the rooms where Christer and I slept last night. Today is a full day under Haydee's direction. We will be here in Valle de Bravo with surroundings and we happily leave the control of the day to her.

08.37 Christer has looked in and said good morning. He, too, has slept well. We both hope that the day continues in this spirit.

09.14 We have completed our morning routines and are ready for departure. One morning routine remains to be done, namely eating breakfast. It will be in another place.

09.27 We are back at the La Michoacana restaurant. Now we will be invited to breakfast. After the good dinner yesterday, I have expectations and hopes for a ditto breakfast.

09.38 The first parts of the breakfast have been served. Coffee and toast have started to be consumed. In an olive bush in a pot, a bunch of large orange-colored big insects have gathered.

10.05 It was a solid and stable breakfast that gives us a good start to the day. The view from the terrace where we were sitting is among the most breathtaking I've had at any breakfast on my travels. You can see a large part of the Valle de Bravo and also the lake and mountains around.

10.41 We are still sitting in the sun at our breakfast table and feeling good. Some plans for the day are laid out. Some musicians entertain the guests. They play the guitar and sing, Viva Mexico!

Good morning! A full day in Valle de Bravo awaits today.

The house where Haydee and her parents live.

Haydee is entering the La Michoacana restaurant.

Ready for breakfast.

Breakfast in a very beautiful setting.

In our vehicle on the way to the first adventure of the day.

12.08 Today's vehicle has been entered. Haydee has arranged a vehicle and driver. Now it's heading out of the city towards new events. The vehicle we ride in is a Polaris Ranger XP 1000. It is a four-wheeler that can handle rough terrain. Here in Valle de Bravo, drivers offer excursions in the local area in just such vehicles. Here in Mexico the vehicles are called razers.

12.17 We are heading out of town at high speed. The wind feels good on the face.

12.28 We understand why we ride in this vehicle. We have driven along bad roads, to say the least, with puddles and deep potholes. There has been beautiful scenery along the way. We have passed farms, forests and waved to some riders on horses.

12.58 Along even more winding, bumpy and worn roads we have made our way into the forest to La Gran Stupa Bön Para La Paz Mundial. It is a Buddhist stupa located in the middle of the Mexican forest. The stupa was created in collaboration with Buddhists in Nepal and inaugurated in 2010. It is a Chörten, a structure with symbolism to represent the Buddha's presence in the world. It is one of the earliest in the Western Hemisphere to be fully consecrated.

13.04 The shoes have been removed and we have entered the stupa. Here it is quiet, peaceful and relaxing. Some sit and meditate. At the front sits the Buddha in the lotus position. A huge mandala and several Buddhist symbols can be seen on the ceiling. There are solar crosses, the symbol of the eightfold path and other things.

13.47 After the visit inside the stupa, we met some dogs and now we leave in our Polaris Ranger. I wonder if the dogs were Buddhists?

Full speed into the forest!

Our driver has done a great job.

On the way to La Gran Stupa Bön.

In complete silence, we will visit a Buddhist stupa.

Inside the stupa there is peace and quiet.

A beautiful flower on the side of the road.

14.25 We were wonderfully shaken and bruised by the journey back. Just as we got off in the center of Valle de Bravo and thanked for the ride, the rain came. We have therefore sought shelter inside the city's church, Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís.

14.40 We left the church, withdrew some more cash from an ATM and then sat under an umbrella to drink coffee, Americano and Espresso. We are at Alma Edith Restaurante Bar, a restaurant run by a relative of Haydee.

15.45 After walking around the city for a while and buying souvenirs, we are now at a small free museum, Museo Joaquín Arcadio Pagaza. Here there are lime and orange trees as well as coffee bushes and cacti. Imagine if I had this at home. I can do without cacti but the others would be fine. Christer has previously bought two skulls in a small shop, an order from his teacher colleague Anna who will receive one of these.

16.00 We have just arrived at a square, Plaza Mariposa. Here is the name of the city and a declaration of love (Yo Amo Valle). Now I am sitting on a red stone bench and writing this.

16.12 It's time again for a new break. This time we are inside the Santuario de Santa Maria Ahuacatlán. The church is famous for its black Jesus statue (El Cristo Negro).

Plaza de la Independencia, Valle de Bravo.

We hide from the rain inside the Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís.

Coffee break at Alma Edith Restaurante Bar.

Exciting food is on offer in Valle de Bravo.

Peter has found coffee.

Declaration of love to the city.

16.20 We wander along Calle Santa María on our way to more central parts. All three of us are getting pretty tired. Shall we have a coffee break or maybe a meal soon?

16.28 It's time for something unusual. We take a break at a small spring in Parque Pino, the place where the city of Valle de Bravo was founded. It's cloudy but hold on. We manage a lot as long as we are efficient. Haydee just told me that one of her older relatives grew up around these very streets.

16.59 We make another stop and soon there will be a new meal here at the La Michoacana restaurant. It is truly our home restaurant on this visit.

17.14 Christer and I have ordered Enchiladas Suizas (tortillas filled with chicken covered in cheese) and Haydee has asked for a pizza. The food is good but we were a little confused when ordering because we never understood if it was a snack or a dinner we should order.

18.28 It's perfect with good food and good company. We have just gone up to the roof terrace floor above where we sat and ate. Lavender, mint and rue are grown here. These use to make it smell and taste better.

19.37 The evening is rounded off with various forms of coffee and football on TV. It's the semifinals of the Gold Cup, United States vs Panamá.

19.45 In the first quarter of extra time, Panamá made it 1-0. we are joined by Haydee's brother Omar and Alfredo who is a family friend. He has lived in the United States and is quite good at English.

19.52 The United States equalizes at 1-1 at the end of the first quarter of extra time.

Santuario de Santa Maria Ahuacatlán, Valle de Bravo.

Today's second church visit.

Enchiladas as an afternoon meal at La Michoacana.

Haydee has ordered a pizza.

A paraglider soars over the Valle de Bravo.

Two visitors from Sweden in Valle de Bravo.

20.13 Everything will be decided on penalties between the United States and Panamá's soccer masters.

20.24 After ten penalties it is 4-4.

20.30 Over and out, the match is over. Panamá is unexpectedly in the final where they will face the winner of the Mexico vs Jamaica match which will start shortly.

20.40 The match has barely started when Mexico scores 1-0. Henry Martín is the goal scorer.

21.09 Mexico makes it 2-0 on a fantastic free kick by Luis Chávez. He who comments holds on to the o in gol endlessly. According to our Mexican friends, the free kick goal was a golazo. This means that it is a spectacularly beautiful goal beyond the ordinary.

21.51 It was half time in the match and then we took the opportunity to go home. Tomorrow the journey continues for us. I guess they will continue to play football in the Gold Cup even though we stopped watching.

22.55 It's nice to unwind after another intense day of fantastic experiences. Mexico won their match 3-0 and will play the final against Panamá on Sunday.

Christer and Haydee are photographed.

Relaxed socializing on the floor above the restaurant.

Thursday 13th of July

07.25 The second night here in Valle de Bravo has been kind to me and I have slept well. It is with a little nervousness that we get ready for this day. During our travels, a lot of less pleasant things have happened on July 13th. In just over half an hour we leave this house for the last time.

08.19 With Haydee behind the wheel, we are on our way through Valle de Bravo's morning traffic. She will drive us to a new city again. What fantastic service and hospitality she offered us during these days.

08.29 We have a long journey ahead of us so we start with a breakfast at Restaurante El Mesón, part of the Hotel Mesón de Leyendas (https://mesondeyendas.com). With us we also have Alfredo with whom we watched football yesterday. Christer and I are going to try a Mexican specialty, Café de Olla, for this breakfast. We have seen menus and signs for that drink but have yet to try it.

08.59 Café de Olla is sweet and has a special aroma. There may be more to come. To prepare Café de Olla, it is important to use a traditional clay pot, as this gives a special flavor to the coffee. Here in the country, Café de Olla is made with ground coffee, cinnamon and raw sugar. Optional ingredients can also be orange peel, anise and cloves. Many Mexicans associate this coffee with the countryside and older relatives.

09.18 Full and satisfied after a really good breakfast, we set off on today's adventure and transport.

09.59 With a sure hand, Haydee steers us along a good road through a green, agrarian landscape. It's lucky that we have a driver who knows the area. I had been completely lost.

10.08 We take a ring road around Toluca and avoid getting stuck in the big city's traffic. Now we continue east.

Haydee is having breakfast at Restaurante El Mesón.

First meal of the day.

On the way to Mexico City.

The giant city can be seen on the horizon.

We are approaching one of many road tolls.

Today we´ll visit Teotihuacán.

10.16 Our driver has driven into a petrol station. Here, there are staff to refuel the car and clean the window. When did that service end at home in Sweden? I have vague memories of experiencing it on long trips through the homeland with the family. Christer and Alfredo have gone into a shop to buy water and some other things we need.

10.44 We drive through a hilly landscape with mountains and valleys. In the haze, the giant city of Mexico City (Ciudad de México) begins to appear with its skyscrapers. We will go through the northern outskirts of the city initially.

11.06 Having your own vehicle has all its advantages. Small talk is possible and the driver is nice. This probably also applies to previous drivers, but we have not spoken to them.

11.18 There is toll after toll in a never-ending stream. We want to help with the payment but are not allowed by our generous driver. It is important to have enough money with you if you are going to drive in these areas.

11.55 We have finally arrived at the Teotihuacán archaeological zone northeast of Mexico City. The prehistoric city arose during the Classic Maya period around 600 BC, although the direct connection between the city and the Maya culture is difficult to prove. It is estimated to have had between 150,000 and 200,000 inhabitants during its heyday around the years 300–600. At this time, the city itself occupied an area of about 23 square kilometers. Here we will now stay for a few hours to experience and learn about Mexican history.

12.20 We have walked between the pyramid of the sun and the moon here in the old city. The Pyramid of the Sun (Pirámide del Sol) is the third largest preserved pyramid in the world (after the Pyramid of Cholula and the Pyramid of Cheops) with a height of 70 meters and with a side width of 222 meters. When the Aztecs came to the abandoned city, they dedicated the pyramid to the rain god Tlaloc (previously it was assumed to honor the sun) and was built around the year 100 out of three million tons of stone, gravel and brick. The Pyramid of the Moon (Pirámide de la Luna) is slightly lower and was completed around the year 300. Between the pyramids runs the Calzada de los Muertos, the avenue of the dead.

12.33 After seeing a statue of the goddess who was married to the rain god, we are you at the Templo De Los Caracoles Emplumados. Not entirely unexpectedly, the area here is full of tourists and vendors. The vendors sell a little bit of everything, but what we hear everywhere is some kind of whistle that should sound like a hissing jaguar when you blow it.

Archaeological Zone of Teotihuacán.

Well-preserved buildings at Plaza de la Luna.

Today we are learning about Mexican history.

Peter writes in his journal at Teotihuacán.

Information about Pirámide de la Luna.

Tourists and vendors in motion on this sunny day.

13.06 We have just seen something that resembled an arena. Now we are at a fruit-bearing cactus. Alfredo has picked some of the fruits called tuna in Spanish and let us taste them. We are currently standing near the enormous Pyramid of the Sun (Pirámide del Sol).

13.30 It is time to leave this part of Teotihuacán, but we are not going any further. There is more to see. The sun is burning mercilessly and we haven't eaten much today. Christer had an acute nutritional deficiency and has bought an ice cream.

13.55 We have driven a shorter distance and arrived at a new part of the vast area. Here we make another stop. We have passed a number of souvenir shops and now arrive at La Ciudadela, which was once the administrative center of the old city.

14.03 The pyramid in this part of the area can be climbed. We have done that. It was a steep climb to say the least, but the view was worth it. This pyramid is called Templo de Quetzalcóatl. The Aztecs regarded Quetzalcóatl as the supreme god, their ancestor and the founder of civilization. In Toltec, Aztec and Mayan art, Quetzalcóatl appears as a feathered serpent surrounded by a solar disk and flames of fire. The myth originated among the Toltecs, but it also appeared among the Aztecs who introduced it into their culture. They believed that Quetzalcóatl would return one day to save them. When the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés landed in Mexico, the Aztecs thought he was this very Quetzalcóatl.

14.27 Adios UNESCO-listed archaeological site and historic buildings. Now we´ll go on.

14.32 Before continuing on, we have stopped at some vendors on the side of the road who sell cactus fruit. Completely unaffected, they stand in a cloud of wasps. We have bought some fruit for the upcoming car journey.

14.56 There are four lanes in each direction on the well-traveled road that takes us step by step into the giant city of Mexico City.

Calzada de los Muertos, Avenue of the Dead.

Alfredo, Christer and Haydee.

Pirámide del Sol, Teotihuacán.

Alfredo picks fruit from a cactus.

Majestic buildings in Teotihuacán.

Templo de Quetzalcoatl.

15.10 With Haydee at the wheel through intense traffic, we approach the center of yet another capital. We are far from the only ones heading there. We thought our driver needed a lunch before this assignment but she preferred to get behind the wheel straight away.

15.47 There are, if possible, even more people and traffic in central Mexico City. Haydee does a brilliant job managing to get us through this chaos. Some men stand outside in traffic and try to direct the cars. How do they make money? Does anyone have time to give them a penny in the middle of this?

16.11 Our friend found a parking garage where the car was left and Christer found the way to Hotel Canadá (https://hotelcanada.com.mx) where we will stay for three nights. We checked in and were shown to room 211. Haydee and Alfredo are waiting in the lobby until further notice.

16.28 At the same time as we moved into the room, our Mexican friends got information about a restaurant in the immediate area. The travelers have now sat down at the well-visited restaurant El Cuatro 20 on the street Isabel La Católica. Now food will be good. It's been a while since the last time.

17.08 During the meal, the staff brought me two extra bowls of fries. They were rejected. There had been some misunderstanding when Alfredo asked where our fries had gone. They must have interpreted that as us wanting even more of it. Alma Gallardo, a friend of Haydee's, just joined. However, she can stay.

17.52 We have finished eating and are sitting and talking about a little of each. We get some tips for our stay in the city. Alma pointed out that the restaurant here is called 420, a code often used as a reference to cannabis. We actually don't know why it actually has that name.

Not easy to climb here.

Threatening weather is approaching.

We are approaching the center of Mexico City.

The restaurant El Cuatro 20.

Really nice restaurant guests.

Avenida Francisco I. Madero, Mexico City.

18.41 Now we have said thank you and hello to the Mexican friends. They have got into the car to return to Valle de Bravo. Now we have to take care of ourselves. It is with mixed feelings that we say goodbye. It feels empty and sad to part ways after a few fantastic days together, but at the same time we realize that we need to slow down and take it a little slower for a few days if we are to be able to travel until August 14.

19.16 We have walked around the streets around the hotel in search of an OXXO store. We need drink, lots of drink. We lost a lot of fluid in the sun out at Teotihuacán.

20.30 Purchases have been made in a small OXXO store and we are back in our room. The bodies and the garments that surrounded them are now cleaned.

22.15 We make plans for tomorrow and we fill up with liquid. The evening is calm and it feels good to stay here for a few days now. We are grateful for everything we have been a part of in recent days. We have invited Haydee to Sweden and hope that she will have the opportunity to come sometime in the future.

23.21 July 13th was a positive day this time. Is the curse broken? Now we say good night from Mexico City.


You can see 43 photos from July 10 in this photoalbum.
You can see 121 photos from July 11 in this photoalbum.
You can see 103 photos from July 12 in this photoalbum.
You can see 131 photos from July 13 in this photoalbum.



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