Text: Peter Johansson
Editing: Christer Lundstedt
Photos: Christer Lundstedt, Peter Johansson, Roberth Nordin
Videos: Christer Lundstedt, Roberth Nordin

Friday 5th of April

08.11 We have slept well down in our cave. The Cave accommodation here in Ljubljana is unique, but good. The construction work around us in the building where we stay has started. Backup wake-up is good. Will what we planned be done today?

09.11 All three have had what they wanted for breakfast. It was not so unexpected as we had bought the breakfast ourselves. Now we will get ready for today's excursion.

09.37 There was a different way out of the building this morning. Construction is blocking the road we used yesterday. We then walked the short distance to the bus station. We have now bought three one-way tickets to Bled. A blue light mission is underway here at the bus station. It is unclear what has happened but the police and ambulance are involved.

09.55 The blue light people left and soon we will do the same. There are many who want to take the bus from stop 5. It seems to be both tourists like ourselves and local people.

09.57 We are on our way. I look forward to coming back to Bled. I have many wonderful memories from there since the visit in 2000. Will there be new memories today?

10.04 We are on the outskirts of Ljubljana. The bus stopped at a stop, the driver got off, waved and walked away. I wonder why, where and will he return? Yes, now he is back or is it someone else?

Behind the curtains, down in the basement, that's where we stay.

We are waiting for the bus at the Ljubljana bus station.

We pass the church in Podbrezje.

We have arrived in the popular tourist resort of Bled.

Coffee break at Slaščičarna Zima.

The beautiful restaurant/pub Gostilna Pri Planincu.

10.25 The trip north is going well. We see beautiful mountains on the horizon. We are approaching the Alps. We are traveling on the E61 highway and have just passed the town of Kranj next to us. We remember that the bus to Bled went through Kranj when we traveled in 2000, Maybe things change in 24 years?

10.44 We make a stop in Lesce near Bled. We are standing at the railway station and see a train with wagons where there are several new cars. It is, to say the least, worth several million on board. Speaking of cars, a liter of diesel costs 1,527 euros or 17,60 kronor. We also recently saw a female PE teacher out on a run with her students.

11.14 Once we arrived in Bled, a town and tourist destination with 5239 inhabitants, we went straight to the pastry shop Slaščičarna Zima (https://www.slascicarna-zima.si) for an eleven o´clock coffee. We have sat outside on their outdoor terrace.

11.37 It was really good coffee, good local pastries and, according to Roberth, also good ice cream.

12.00 It is time for a bench break before we make an attempt to walk around the beautiful lake Blejsko jezero (Lake Bled). When Christer and I were last here, it went well. There is snow on the mountain tops and mallards in the lake.

12.09 We have found an exhibition about Lego, Razstava Lego kock, but we quickly opted out of that attraction. It was way too expensive admission to see some Lego.

12.35 We walk calmly and quietly around the lake. It was sometimes difficult to get there due to roadworks which closed the footpath for a distance. Out in the lake we see Blejski otok (Bled island) with its beautiful church. Legend has it that if you get married in the church, the marriage will be happy if the groom manages to carry his bride from the bridge up the 99 steps all the way up to the church.

Mallards and school children at Lake Bled.

Blejski grad, the castle of Bled.

Spring flowers by Lake Bled.

Boat traffic and snow-capped mountain peaks.

A boat on its way to Blejski otok (Bled Island).

We opted out of this Lego exhibit.

13.11 I think we are close to the place where in 2000 I tried to take a picture of the lake, a swan, the island and the church. Everything was disturbed, destroyed by a German who rushed into the lake with a roar. Now we have photographed the lake, the island and ourselves from different perspectives. We have walked about 2,5 kilometers since the start and are about halfway around the lake. The footpath around the lake should be 6 kilometers according to information.

13.47 Before we continue all the way around the lake, we need lunch in some form. We have found a promising restaurant, more or less the only one imaginable.

14.25 We sit comfortably at Restavracija Zaka. Christer got his pizza, I got my Mixed Grill and Roberth, with the comment from the waiter that this was the first time, his falafel. We are all satisfied. Roberth has decided to become a vegetarian today. We'll see how long he can handle the new lifestyle.

14.46 Satisfied and happy, we have now started the return journey towards town.

15.08 We have stopped at a large board where they pay tribute to all the members of Veslaški Klub Bled (Bled Rowing Club) who have won Olympic medals. The club has collected six medals during the Olympic Games in 1988, 1992, 2000, 2004 and 2012.

15.15 After passing the grandstand used for the rowing competitions here, it's time for another bench break in the sunshine. This time we are sitting under a coniferous tree.

15.55 We are back in central Bled again. Now we will wait a while and get ready to travel home to Ljubljana. I have new, wonderful Bled memories with me from this day.

From here you can go on boat trips.

Lake Bled with the 2,200 meter high mountain Karawanks massif in the background.

Blejski otok with its church.

Roberth in Bled.

A break by the roadside.

Olympic medalists from the rowing club in Bled.

16.45 More and more people gathered at the bus station because a promised bus never showed up. There were new buses that the crowd enthusiastically moved towards but several were the wrong bus. Now the right bus has arrived. With a ticket where, we in the Travel Team are ready to travel back to Ljubljana. This will probably be the last bus trip on this year's Easter trip. Today there was an earthquake on the east coast of the USA.

18.14 We have made it back to Ljubljana. After a shopping stop at Lidl, we are back at The Cave. The earthquake in North America was of the lighter kind, 4,8 on the Richter scale.

19.01 Online check-in at the last accommodation on this trip went well. It was at the hotel Good Morning Arlanda. It is more difficult to buy the train ticket to Maribor. It is currently only possible to buy on the Slovenian-language site of Slovenske železnice (the Slovenian railway company), which feels a bit difficult. At least we have tickets that take us from Maribor into Austria.

20.06 It's time to find somewhere to dine this second evening in the Slovenian capital. Finding food will probably go well this time too. There are many restaurants in this city.

20.40 We are far from alone who want to go out to eat and drink in Ljubljana this Friday evening. Many places are full. However, we are still positive about having dinner somewhere.

21.01 It's hard to find somewhere to eat. We have difficulty finding sensible places where there are free tables. The first option we looked up, Krakovc Pivnica, was small and simple, not at all what we had thought after reading the reviews. Since then, we've mostly wandered around and become more and more exhausted in the restaurant hunt.

21.10 We figured out that we could return to the restaurant we opted out of yesterday, Vodnikov Hram. We thought it was quite expensive yesterday, but tonight the problem was that it was full of guests.

The castle in Ljubljana is illuminated in the evening darkness.

Peter at Restavracija Most.

Tonight's fantastic dinner.

Cutlery hangs from the lamps.

Two of tonight's dinner guests.

We say thank you to Most who saved our evening.

21.20 We had to turn back home or at least walk in that direction. We returned to the riverside restaurants where we had lunch yesterday. At Restavracija Most (https://www.restavracija-most.si), after some hesitation from the waiter, we finally got a table. We are now waiting for the menus.

21.44 Orders have been placed and we are now sipping beer while waiting for the food. We are worth this after all the wandering and searching. It's not cheap here, but it's a table and there will be food.

21.59 There is interesting interior design here at Most (which means bridge). Cutlery hangs in the lamps above the table.

22.51 This was undoubtedly the best meal of the trip. Here, the chef knows what he/she is doing. It is high quality food. We ordered venison with lovely side dishes, raspberry sauce, fermented cabbage, juniper sauce and more. Besides, we drank good beer.

23.29 We are home again. A decision has been made. We will take a Slovenian train to Maribor tomorrow. We buy the tickets at the ticket office at the station and hope for the best.

Saturday 6th of April

08.12 It has become weekend again. It's hissing from the ventilation here in The Cave. You can say that the journey home in some way already begins today.

08.47 After leaving the beds and washing off the night's dust, we will now sit down at the table again for breakfast.

09.24 So unfortunately there will be no more cave breakfasts for us this time. The Cave is an odd accommodation but can be recommended, especially when the construction work outside here has stopped. Within the next hour we will be heading towards the railway station to continue traveling east here in Slovenia.

09.57 Goodbye The Cave! The keys are left in the key box. Now we go towards the rail.

10.22 We arrive at the ticket booth at the Ljubljana railway station. Christer has bought tickets for all three of us. All tickets are collected on a plastic card. At least that's what the person who sold the ticket said. It was significantly cheaper than the prices we saw online. In fact, it got so cheap that we started to think something had gone wrong.

10.35 Now we are on board the train that will take us to Maribor. We are ready for a journey by train between two Slovenian cities. I don't think any of us have done that before. Previous train journeys we have made have been from Italy and Croatia as well as to Austria and Hungary.

At the train station in Ljubljana.

We travel east through Slovenia.

Roberth and Christer study the Slovenian landscape.

We have arrived in Maribor.

An old locomotive outside the railway station in Maribor.

Time to choose lunch options.

10.56 A search on the internet has taught Christer who in turn informed us that we may have received some kind of weekend discount on the train tickets. It's just to thank and accept when unexpected positive things happen.

11.32 The conductor approved the purchased tickets. Our train runs parallel to the river Sava. Trees, slopes and the water turns green.

11.50 We just passed Europe's highest flue gas chimney, 360 meters high. It is located at Termoelektrarna Trbovlje, which used to be a thermal power plant and part of a backup system for the Slovenian electricity supply system.

12.16 The train is currently making a stop in Laško. Here we have seen the brewery with the same name as the town.

13.01 A larger group of lively children has been sitting in our carriage since the stop in Celje. A seemingly eternal hum fills the space and the ears. Celje, where we just stopped, is by the way Slovenia's third largest city. On this trip, however, we have time to visit the two largest.

13.06 The last of the families with children did not make it to the Slovenska Bistrica station where they were supposed to get off. They can try the next station instead.

13.11 Ten chatty children/parents got off in Pragersko. How quiet it is now.

13.53 The train dropped us off in Maribor. We went directly from the train station to the restaurant Meating Pub & Restavracija (http://meating.si) and are now going to order a somewhat late lunch.

14.41 We got good beers (Single Blondie), there were good hamburgers, a nice venue and good music. Unfortunately the first waitress forgot about us so Christer had to go to the bar and remind us that we wanted to order. In addition, the same song has been on repeat over and over again since we sat down. It's Road Trippin' with the Red Hot Chili Peppers. There is nothing wrong with the song but listening to it constantly for almost an hour eats away at the psyche.

Today's lunch will be at Meating Pub & Restavracija.

A long walk in warm weather.

Stadium Ljudski Vrt. NK Maribor has played Champions League matches here for 16 seasons.

S Hotel, Maribor.

Sodni Stolp, fortification tower in Maribor.

Roberth looks at Drava.

14.55 Goodbye Meating and echo music. Now we will find our way to the next home. Before we left the restaurant, Roberth pointed out to one of the staff that a certain song had been played quite a few times.

15.12 We have started the walk towards our hotel. It is a warm day today, +26°C. It's hot for our winter-pale bodies. Maribor is Slovenia's second largest city with 95,171 inhabitants.

15.29 The group arrived at the hotel, S Hotel (https://www.shotel.si), which unfortunately was locked. Another guest, a young girl, appeared. - Do you want to come in, Roberth said jokingly in Swedish. - Do I look so Swedish, was the answer. More than once on the trips, Roberth has asked someone in Swedish. Now he finally got an answer. In any case, we got in and here in the lobby Christer has called the staff.

16.15 A check-in lady appeared and after a certain process we were checked in. Now we are in room 7 with a family room, two bedrooms and a bathroom. It seems that this hotel is mainly used as accommodation by students at the university nearby.

16.43 We don't want to stay in the room very long. After all, there is a city to see and experience. In addition, it would be nice to have a cold beer on this hot day.

17.01 The tour starts at a round tower, Sodni stolp, down by the river Drava. The area here by the river is called Lent.

17.08 A young woman wanted to talk to us about Jesus. We said no thanks to this. She was an American emissary of the missionary church called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but which is usually called the Mormons.

17.23 After being at Glavni trg (Main Square) with the Kužno znamenje (Plague Column) we are now at the city cathedral, Stolna župnija Maribor.

18.02 We have done some shopping at SPAR and now we are looking for beer halls or pubs. Maribor, the beer hall Pivovarna Maribor that is, was closed. Now we are instead looking for Gambrinus.

The river Drava divides Maribor into two parts.

Glavni Trg, Maribor.

Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek is celebrated.

Stolna župnija Maribor, the city's cathedral.

Peter visits Pub Gambrinus.

Less modern radio equipment.

18.14 Of course Pub Gambrinus was open. We are sitting in the pleasant outdoor seating area and have just ordered a Poutnik each. Our beers are brewed in the Czech town of Pelhřimov

18.43 Satisfied with what we drank, Roberth and I decided to order something else. On the way to ordering, I became acquainted with a dog, a boxer at the neighboring table. It greeted me happily and had a hard time accepting that I was leaving.

19.35 Ordering a Boomertown IPA each was a good idea. Both Roberth and I are satisfied. Now we are at home in our hotel room for a while.

20.15 The time here at home is over. One last Slovenian dinner is what we need. Then we need to head to the center again.

20.46 We are at the Kozlovna Poštna restaurant. Here we have sat down at an outdoor table along the street outside. It's time for dinner. There are plenty of people on the go who just like us want dinner.

20.52 We have received our interesting beers. They are half light and half dark. The dark beer is on top of the light.

21.44 All three of us ate veal cheek with side dishes. In addition, there was coffee for me. It was a worthy last dinner on this trip. Thanks a million. Now we go home.

22.21 The walk back went via the city's synagogue. Next to it was a notice about a runaway cat. A cat that could possibly have been called Jehovah Benedict Lennart. It could also have been the owners. Our knowledge of Slovenian is not quite up to scratch. We also saw quite a few swans by the river. They were preparing for the night. So should we too, though not right now.

Two-coloured beers at Kozlovna Poštna.

Dinner at Kozlovna Poštna, Maribor.

Tonight's dinner was veal cheek.

The last dining experience of the trip took place here.

Roberth at Synagoga Maribor.

Professor Balthazar appeared in the evening darkness.

22.42 The bottle that Roberth opened says Izbrani Teran Vinakras. We will again try wine from the country we are in. This wine is red and from Primorje. A tradition that is taking a break is the balcony wine. There is no balcony here either.

23.23 I have drunk worse wine on my travels. Now the day and the journey are almost over. When we wake up tomorrow, the journey home begins in earnest, but we still can and should enjoy ourselves.

23.55 It's time for the last night in Slovenia. A week ago we switched to summer time. It already feels like a long time ago.

Sunday 7th of April

07.44 Soon it is time to start the journey to the home latitudes. We should have come home already today, Sunday with a flight via Munich. After Lufthansa changed its flight times, there will be a return trip via Frankfurt later tonight instead.

08.28 Down the stairs, down into the basement and off some more to find the last Slovenian breakfast. We are completely alone in the large breakfast room.

09.00 It was a perfectly OK breakfast. Now it is up to everyone to get ready for departure within less than half an hour.

09.27 Everything is going according to plan. The temperatures are tolerable today and we have a given goal.

09.56 We did this well. Without fuss or bench breaks, we walked all the way to the railway station with the pack on our backs. It was worse for an elderly lady in front of us. She tripped and fell face down on the pavement. She was helped up by her friend.

10.25 The slightly late arriving train let us on board. Now we roll towards the Austrian border and further towards Graz.

10.53 Not much happens here. In any case, we have stood still for a quarter of an hour at the Spielfeld-Straß border station.


10.56 Now we roll on. Thanks for that.

11.36 At Graz Hauptbahnhof it was time for us to get off the train. On dismounting, Roberth discovered that his water bottle had leaked and soaked his bag. Now everything is drying in the sun while Roberth and Christer are checking train times for the flight later today.

It was just us in the breakfast room at S Hotel.

Park na Slomškovem trgu, Maribor.

Three gentlemen are waiting for the train.

On the way to Austria.

Repacking outside Graz Hauptbahnhof.

We are waiting for the tram.

11.55 It's another hot day with scorching sun. We can't go far in this temperature. It is therefore time to take the tram into the center of Graz. We took the escalator down to the underground station here at the Hauptbahnhof.

12.01 Our stroke of genius to buy six tram tickets to also have tickets for the return journey was not a success. We discovered that they are only valid to the nearest hour. That's how it goes when you want to be well prepared.

12.14 We got off at the Hauptplatz/Congress stop. We are now in the heart of the city in front of the town hall. After we have taken some photos and filmed around Hauptplatz, it will now be coffee at Café Muhr. We are in Austria, so of course we ordered Apfelstrudel.

12.42 After a good coffee, we strolled among the crowds on the cozy Sporgasse street. We turned off at Hofgasse and arrived at the cathedral in Graz. Officially, it is called Domkirche zum Heiligen Ägydius in Graz.

12.51 We have now moved on to a park, Burggarten Graz. There are no free benches so we sit at a liberation monument. Here we have a view of the large city park, Stadtpark Graz. A city race, Run for Grz/Halbmarathon Graz, is currently taking place in the city. Runners at different speeds pass and music is played on the street we just passed.

13.26 A big effort has been made. We have changed the seat to a free bench. Plans for the time until the airport journey are available.

Roberth on a tram through Graz.

Hauptplatz, Graz.

Rathaus der Stadt Graz.

We have Austrian coffee at Café Muhr.

Roberth walks on Sporgasse.

The cathedral in Graz.

13.47 We are now on our way from our park bench to a lunch table at a suitable restaurant.

14.15 The glockenspiel chimes shortly above us. We are at the restaurant Glöckl Bräu (https://www.gloecklbraeu.at) for Sunday lunch. We and many others sit at outdoor tables on the Glockenspielplatz square.

14.45 The food, schnitzels were enjoyed and an odd group came by, stayed and left again. There was no direct common denominator in the clothing style but possibly the similarities to scarecrows. They seem to be on some kind of city tour.

15.00 Now that the clock strikes three, it's time to look at the figures spinning around in the carillon above the restaurant.

15.14 Everything is ready and paid for at Glöckl Bräu. Soon it is time to go back to the train station.

15.38 We went back to Hauptplatz, the square we got off at, and took the tram back to the train station. Now we are waiting for the train that will take us out to the airport. We will go with the local train S5.

15.55 We are on board the train to the airport Flughafen Graz. The traveling companions charge their mobiles on the train so that they also live the rest of this day. I am referring to the mobile phones, not the comrades. It is +27˚C outside.

First World War victims on the cathedral wall.

Today a half marathon race was run in Graz.

Stadtpark Graz filled with greenery and birdsong.

Beautiful Sunday in Burggarten Graz.

Stairs to the mausoleum of Emperor Ferdinand II.

We have lunch at Glöckl Bräu.

16.34 After a couple of stops we got off the train and walked the short distance to Graz Airport (Flughafen Graz).

17.08 First we checked in the luggage in the classic way at a counter with staff. Afterwards we bought drinks in the unexpectedly large SPAR supermarket. Surely this is the first time we've found a large
supermarket inside an airport?

17.34 While waiting to get on board, Christer and I have a last cup of coffee. It's not the last forever (may I hope) but the last for this time at the airport.

17.51 Our flight to Frankfurt is slightly delayed but we should have time to change planes later tonight.

19.02 Mantenete le cinture allacciate quando siete seduti, fasten your seat belt. Giubbotto salvagente sotto la propria poltrona, life jacket under the seat. We fly with Air Dolomitis E 190/E 195.
It is my first time with this Italian company that flies this route for Lufthansa.

In Austria you have to eat schnitzel.

Strange individuals are guided through the city.

Glockenspiel in Graz.

A word of wisdom about coffee.

We will take the train to the airport.

Flughafen Graz, the airport where we´ll leave Austria.

19.27 The flight is going just fine. Through the window we see snow-capped mountains. It is probably somewhere in Austria that we see this part of the Alps.

20.07 The approach to the airport in Frankfurt am Main has now begun. Do we and the luggage have time to change planes? Will we have time to eat before the next flight?


21.04 It was quick and easy to land at Frankfurt Flughafen. It took an incredibly long time and was not convenient to take the bus to Terminal B and then walk a long distance to Terminal F. Now we have some coffee. We don't have time to bring any food, only baguettes.

21.18 It was expensive but filling for the moment. Now we are waiting to board the plane that will take us to Sweden.

21.53 It was a short bus ride out to Lufthansa's Airbus A 321. Now we will soon fly again.

22.21 Like a compass needle, the front nose of the plane points to the north. Everything is calm and quiet on board.

23.49 We are heading down towards Arlanda and the homeland.

We fly over the Austrian Alps.

A light meal at Frankfurt Flughafen.

Monday 8th of April

00.12 Our plane has landed on Swedish soil. Now we hope that it will be relatively quick to get our bags and get to the hotel.


00.41 It was a long distance we had to walk to get to the luggage belt. Once there, what we wanted came, our possessions. Now we are waiting for the transport from/to the Good Morning Hotel.

00.53 Transport in the form of a minibus is here. Now we are heading towards the last home on this journey. Let's hope the room is warmer than when we stayed there after the last trip. Then we had an icy cold room with a broken heater.

01.03 We are checked in and have moved into room 177 at Good Morning Arlanda. At first we thought something had gone wrong. We found only two beds. However, after some searching we found the third bed. It hangs on the wall above the other two. Now we're going to sleep. Roberth has already climbed up into the overhang.

06.10 The last day of travel dawns outside. It is the first day of April this year that we are in Sweden. Actually, all three of us would have been at our workplaces this morning but due to changing flight times it was not to be.

07.10 Now it's starting to pick up. With breakfast in your body, you become strengthened and kind. We have paid for the hotel's breakfast buffet, it is worth it.

07.42 The bodies scream that they want to sleep more. It won't be like that. We are sitting on a bench on the SkyBridge by the object we call the Uzbek oven. It is neither an oven nor has anything to do with Uzbekistan but it was an association that appeared in our sick minds many years ago. Soon the Travel Team breaks up. Since we live in three different places, it is a natural end to the trip.

A night has passed in room 177.

Breakfast is served at Good Morning Arlanda.

The journey north begins in the underworld.

08.06 Roberth has gone underground to wait for his train to Östersund. Christer and I have to wait a little longer. I wait to go all the way home and Christer to go to work. He has a lesson later this afternoon.

09.35 It is, as always, cloudy and cool on the platform under SkyCity. We and several others with us are waiting for the train to the north. The journey back to reality is about to begin.

10.07 The sun shines over the homeland. The journey to the north continues. A man was sitting in my reserved seat. His reason was that he had not found carriage 4. I told him where it was and sat in seat 31 in carriage 3.

12.00 The ground in Hudiksvall is still covered in snow. Think, a day ago we were in a sleepy Graz with green grass, flowers and birdsong.

13.06 Now the three travelers are separate. I will soon start the last train journey this time. Time to think about closing words. Christer has walked up to his workplace to get some work done before he continues home later today.

13.24 It has become time to add and sum up. It has been lovely to meet spring in the northern Balkans together with Roberth and Christer. We have experienced a lot and felt very good. I hope we can do another trip next Easter break. I wonder what destination it will be that time?


You can see 118 photos from April 5 in this photoalbum.
You can see 78 photos from April 6 in this photoalbum.
You can see 64 photos from April 7 in this photoalbum.
You can see 3 photos from April 8 in this photoalbum.


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