Text: Peter Johansson
Editing: Christer Lundstedt
Photos: Christer Lundstedt, Peter Johansson
Videos: Christer Lundstedt
00.29 We are in Singapore as part of our long journey home. Hamburgers with fries and soft drinks at Burger King was just what our bodies needed. We are now ready to leave Changi airport to take a taxi to downtown Singapore and our accommodation. In the taxi queue, we saw a man in long, white, ankle-length robe. It had a black belt and was in a brown fabric. The man in the suit is of European or American origin and seems like something straight out of ”The Da Vinci Code”. We also saw a guy with a Kånken backpack, made in my home area.
01.00 We got to ride with the taxi as far as it could go. We went on foot the last bit along a pedestrian street. Once at Sleepy Kiwi Hostel (http://www.sleepykiwi.com.sg) we found out that the reception was closed. We were promised 24 hour reception but it does not seem to apply anymore. On the front door was a note for me. I should go in and fetch my key. On the floor inside the room, I found a folded piece of paper with the key in, it had fallen down from the door where it had been taped. We had to other guests how to find room 3. There is not as promised a bunk bed. Instead, they squeezed a double bed in a closet. The closet is well 3 meters long and 2 meters wide. Shit! We wanted a good place to prepare for our day in Singapore and the flight later in the evening to Bangladesh. Outside of our tiny room is a dorm. It seems to be fully occupied.
01.33 This is clearly not what I had expected. We pay in all cases around US$40 each for the room. That's more than we paid for any hotel in Indonesia throughout the summer and where we had great stays. This is what happens when you’re travelling in countries with higher standards of living. We might as well go to bed now!
02.00 Christer's mobile phone surprisingly played some music. I wonder why it did so. It interferes with the night’s sleep.
08.29 Now that we both have showered in a simple shower, we are back in our tiny room. We hear the call to prayer, thunder and rain from outside. Here inside my stomach rumbles. I feel anything but fine. Soon it's time for breakfast and payment for the room. We still do not really know what we're doing today.
09.03 Our breakfasts are consumed. For my part, it was not so much of having breakfast. It wanted to return outside halfway through the meal and I had to run and throw up in the sink. Not very polite of me but what to do when your body wants otherwise. Apparently the stomach is in a state of disrepair.
09.30 It certainly is a ”twin room” that we´ve stayed in. The lady at the front desk claims that it is one. She has a boring attitude and asked another guest who wondered what time it was if he had problems with his eyes and pointed to the watch on the wall. In addition, she asked Christer a number of times when we were checking out. Is that how you greet guests welcome? My health is rubbish and it is raining. I'll now get some sleep to wait out the rain and better health.
09.37 It can get a bit tedious to continue complaining about this accommodation but the presentation on their website was very promising. We had been really looking forward to staying here. Now we are in a room where we barely fit with the luggage, go to toilets where the door will not close, and talking with staff that want us to check out. Poor!
11.14 We’ve checked out from Sleepy Kiwi Hostel and left our backpacks behind there. We will pick them up this afternoon before we go to the airport again. Right now we have because of the continuing rainfall fled into Starbucks Coffee on North Bridge Road. I have a little, possibly no energy because of the troublesome stomach.
11.53 The weather is not perfect but we walk on. We have looked into the various shopping malls, including Bugis Junction. It's nice to cool off and to avoid the rainy weather outside. It does, however, getting brighter.
12.38 I have in desperation bought and quickly drank a Coca Cola to restore fluid and energy. In my desperation I was ready to buy the beverage in a fine-dining restaurant in a mall. Right now it feels mostly OK but I certainly lack energy.
14.05 Christer went off for a walk while I rested on a bench outside the National Library. He returned with more drinks for me, thanks! Now we are in Raffles City Mall. Christer has been into a bookstore and bought a gift for his nephew’s birthday. We are thinking about how and where we eat lunch and what we are going to use the remaining time in the city. The thirst has returned its grip on me. My stomach feels good, anyway OK. Now let's go and change money.
14.23 We are once again in our life outside the worldfamous Raffles Hotel. We won´t go in for a look and there won´t be any Singapore Sling.
14.25 If you say A, you should say B. You can not talk about a drink without mention how it should be done. The original recipe served at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore consists of 30 ml gin, 15 ml Heering Cherry Liqueur , 120 ml pineapple juice 15 ml lime juice , 7.5 oz Cointreau 7.5 oz DOM Benedictine , 10ml grenadine and a dash of Angostura Bitter . Pour all ingredients into a shaker with ice and shake vigorously. Garnish with a slice of pineapple and a cherry.
14.47 Our Singapore lunch will be served, consumed and paid at Noodle Around at North Bridge Road. My thirst seems almost impossible to extinguish. How much fluid has the body lost in a relatively short time? Now we hope that we exchanged enough Singapore dollars.
15.50 It was good and refreshing with lunch. I had Mee Goreng and drank two glasses of lemonade with ice. Now we are back at the Starbucks cafe we visited earlier today. It is time for afternoon coffee and a last rest before we pick up our luggage.
16.46 Goodbye Starbucks! We went back to Sleepy Kiwi Hostel to pick up the backpacks. They had been standing on the floor, completely unguarded, shit! Now we're on to Bugis Station and are heading towards Changi Airport. There will be a change of trains on the way.
16.53 We have passed Lavender station where we got off with Shu Ming during our visit here 2006. Then we were beginners and Asia felt new and unknown. Nowadays, it almost feels like "coming home” when we are in cities like Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.
17.07 It is time to change line at the station Tanah Merah. Now it is not much left.
17.29 The escalators and steps after that took us to a bench here at Changi International Airport. Near the bench stood a luggage trolley. Now most things are done. Now we will rest, go to the bathroom and freshen up before we do anything more. There is plenty of time.
18.28 The check-in to tonight's flight went quickly and smoothly. We are, after all, at an airport often referred to as the world's best. It was the more complex earlier in the year when Christer forced to call to Singapore and talk to the airline. The reason was that a small change in the timetable had been made and someone had our reservation moved to August 6, unclear why! Christer telephoned the company and the lady asked if he wanted to fly on August 5 instead? The question was somewhat remarkable. If you book a ticket for 5th of August you often want to fly on August 5th, too.
18.48 Now we're at the restaurant Macau Express to eat dinner. It will be grilled chicken. We walked around and could not decide where we would eat but finally got to a real restaurant was preferable than the chaos of a ”food court” where several restaurants share the space.
19.37 My appetite is not the best but some food I was after all in me. After dinner, we went to 7 Eleven and bought bread for the arrival later tonight. Now we are at our gate and hope to get on board soon. There are few women and even fewer fair-skinned people here. Almost everyone except ourselves are men from Bangladesh who will be traveling back home.
19.54 We are on board the aircraft from Tiger Airways. The next note I make will be on Bangladesh time which means -2 hours.
22.05 We have landed on Dhaka Airport, also known as Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport. I slept throughout the flight and missed the fight between staff and passengers. The latter refused to turn off their mobile phones despite constant reminders.
22.37 After some bureaucracy, we were stamped in Bangladesh. Visas were arranged earlier in Sweden. We were asked about the address, district and telephone number of the accommodation we are going to. Exchange into local currency went like clockwork. Now we are waiting for our luggage. Soon we are in the third new country for us on this trip. For me it is the 99th country. I’ve now been to more countries outside Europe than in Europe. It is an achievement for me personally right now but still unimpressive in general because you can reach a similar statistics by living in Sweden, and for example make two trips to Egypt and Thailand.
23.14 We bought drinks in a small kiosk and after contact were made with a taxi counter at the airport here where we booked a car and paid. However, we are happy that we don´t drive. Traffic in Bangladesh is a chapter in itself. There will be vehicles from all sides and there are vehicles of all kinds. In addition to regular cars there are passenger buses in bad condition. Public transport consists among other things of CNG’s, gas powered motorized small rickshaws.
23.46 It went pretty smoothly to be brought to the accommodation. The driver got out and talked to a man. The man opened up a steel door. Just inside the door was a garage where we were greeted by a barking dog that looked to only have two legs. From there we went to our room, number 104, at Green House Guest House (http://www.greenhouse-dhaka.com) in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Now we will freshen up and sleep.
08.24 The rain is pouring down outside our window. We stay in the diplomatic zone and it's pretty calm and quiet on the street outside. Bangladesh is as said country 99 for me. Moreover, it is the 95th country that I´ve slept in. We will see how we organize the day. We will just be here one day.
09.37 Here we are heading out in the rain to get us some breakfast. Suddenly we get a question from a lady here at the guesthouse if we want breakfast. They apparently offer breakfast here, just great! Now we eat mango and banana chunks, juice, coffee and toast. We are on the floor above our room. On one wall hangs a chart over the part of the Baltic Sea that is located around the Swedish island Gotland.
10.35 We take it easy here at Green House Guesthouse. Waiting and hope for the eternal rainfall to end. It was not exactly unexpected that we would encounter rain here. It's monsoon season, which means rain, rain and more rain. This is also the main reason that we have not travelled in India yet. Monsoon rains unfortunately coincidence with our holiday weeks.
11.42 Nearly 50 days of travelling wears on us. It is a struggle between the desire to see things and the strength to do it.
12.03 Just as the desire to see and discover new things got the upper hand and we were about to head out it came back, the rain. Now we just have to wait it out a while longer.
12.51 It stopped raining and we went out. Unfortunately, we have just discovered that our accommodation isn’t in the part of Dhaka that the booking site claims. Nothing matches with the map we navigated from. This means that we do not find those places, cafes, restaurants we supposed to go to. All this became apparent after we walked and looked around a bit on the nearby streets. Because of the rain, there are large puddles everywhere.
13.39 We've talked to the woman at the reception at the guesthouse, borrowed a map and now we have started realizing where in the city we are. We are in Dhaka's northeastern corner, far from the central area and outside the map we used from our guidebook. Now that we know that we'll head out for lunch. We intend to walk to an intersection, a small square named Gulshan 2. There we will meet Tavani, a lady from this country who I met on the internet site Interpals. We will be eating dinner here at the guesthouse later in the evening.
14.02 We have started our walk towards the real Dhaka. Here where we stay, the streets are closed off to traffic and it is quiet and still. It is not especially typical Dhaka environment. We’ll probably see more of it soon. We are in the neighborhood of Baridhara and walk along the Gulshan Lake.
14.45 It went smoothly to get to the restaurant Spaghetti Jazz. Sure, it was a little wet along the way, there were many people on the move and eager beggars when we arrived at the circular square Gulshan 2. The restaurant is located a few floors up. We made it here via a stairway that reached from the building's interior, not from the street. Now we ordered our food and are waiting for Tavani.
15.20 Tavani is late and the restaurant is closing soon. We have finished our meal and will now go out and wait instead. It was good food, too bad that I still have weak appetite. The restaurant was cool and comfortable to stay in. The chaos and the sounds from the street outside were hardly noticeable.
15.47 Waiting in the street was almost impossible. It was desperate and lost persons all over the place. One moment there was an old woman who nagged us and the next moment a young man who could not understand why we would walk when he could drive us with his bicycle rickshaw. When Christer told that we would not go somewhere right now he got the answer "that is impossible”. Like so many times in Asia you are considered an oddball if you want to walk when there is transport available. Dhaka with its 400 000 rickshaws is considered the world capital of rickshaws. I'm not in contact with the lady we are waiting for. However, we have got hold of Mirinda that we will drink tonight.
15.58 We have tried to find a café or a small restaurant where we can meet up with Tavani but nothing has been found.
16.25 It has been determined via text messages that we´ll meet at our accommodation instead. Now the two of us will head back there. It is time to leave Gulshan 2 behind us and take us back to the leafy quiet streets of Baridhara again. A little scary is it to know that this part of Dhaka is regarded as the most moderate and most maneuverable. Despite this, cars and people are just everywhere. There are plenty of people in Bangladesh. The country has about 155 million inhabitants, and here in the capital 7 million people live in the center and in the metropolitan region 14 million.
16.45 We're back at the Green House Guesthouse. After years of electronic contact, it is now time for me to talk to Tavani. It's fun to meet a person in real life. It is one thing to keep in touch electronically but to be seen in reality beats everything. It has started to become a bit of a tradition this by meeting various internet friends on the trips.
17.10 It was a short but pleasant meeting with Tavani. She had traveled back to Dhaka from her home town of Rangpur in the northwest of the country. Her cousin joined and we talked some more. I was invited to the dinner but said thanks but no thanks. We had already booked one here at the guesthouse tonight. Now they have left our accommodation and we just take it easy. We have finally realized why Tavani did not have lunch with us. She is a Muslim and it is Ramadan. Somehow we had forgotten about Ramadan during our stay in non-muslim Singapore.
19.26 It's nice to take it easy. We have done so much since this journey began. What happened yesterday and the day before yesterday is long gone. A week ago, we visited the colorful lakes at Mount Kelimutu and sat at the Bamboo Restaurant. Damn, it feels as if it were in a different time.
20.28 We have had dinner and talked and are still talking to a nice Englishman. He is married to the lady who runs our accommodation.
21.05 We talked about travel memories and anecdotes with our English friend. He told me that the Indians have an annoying tendency to open the barrages and thus inundating parts of Bangladesh. This happens without warning. Further, he informed us that the reason why some police officers in Indonesia takes in ”black money", "extra income" is that they have to pay for everything. It involves training, uniforms and ammunition. We have also received an explanation of the Swedish chart on the wall. His wife had apparently worked for a Swedish company and the card was a gift.
21.17 It is interesting to learn things from someone with great knowledge of the country. We learned that many in Bangladesh sees the large population as an asset, not a problem. The more they are, the more people can become guest workers send home important revenue to the country.
21.45 No, enough is enough with pleasant conversation and curiosities. It is time to go to bed soon.
22.15 Now we have been clever and checked into our flights through the computer we have access to here. Now we are checked in all the way home. Good!
05.05 It's early morning here in Dhaka and all we have to do is to pack our belongings. We are going to say thanks for our stay and start going back.
05.24 The dog with two legs and a sharp bark keeps barking. We have left the keys and now await the pre-ordered driver to drive us to the airport.
05.28 A mobile phone rang, "Hello" said our driver. We are moving from the guesthouse to the airport. We have seen cows, a white living cow and a dark dead cow. The dark one was cut in with a large knife. The cows were observed just behind the guesthouse. The street our accommodation is located along feels like a boundary between different worlds.
06.27 Here at the airport things have happened. The man in the security check, the X-ray machine was sleeping. When we stood in the check-in queue, a man came and took us past the entire long queue. For this, the man wanted to be paid, but we didn’t pay him. You should not favor corrupt behavior. At check in we were told that our backpacks can not be retrieved by us in Doha, they are checked in all the way to Sweden. Maybe our plan yesterday wasn’t that bright. We left the counter and had to pack the most important things, clean clothes in your hand luggage. We went back to check-in to get everything done. The man from the staff, he who we didn’t pay came with another passenger and a baggage trolley and tried to push themselves before us. That he did not succeed with. Now that we have checked in, we sit with our hand luggage and wait. A cat is moving around in here.
06.42 To kill time, do away with money and hunger, we have walked to Barista Coffee. We have begun to see some advantages that the baggage will not be collected. It will be so much smoother for us tomorrow. Now we´ve got our brownies. The waiter said something to us which I thought sounded like ”dibingrate” whatever that is. Christer instead thought that the guy said "please be naked," a certainly understandable sense but strange nonetheless. The man most likely said something else. Yes, smooth, there will be less need to carry, easy at check in Qatar. We are, according to our boarding passes, transferring in Doha but we’re supposed to stay there until tomorrow.
07.56 Now we have managed to board Qatar Airways plane to Doha. Within half an hour we will take off to the journey’s last new country. The early wake up and the long journey feels in your bodies. Additionally, I can feel some weakness from what happened to me and my stomach in Singapore. It's actually quite comical that the stomach problems arose just in Singapore, a country known for its extreme clean environment. Doha here we come!
06.27 The clock is reversed three hours and set to Doha, Qatar, time. Far below us, yet again this year, is India. At some point, we should probably also visit the country at ground level.
10.08 We are heading down towards Doha. May we enter the country despite the fact that according boarding passes we will just be transferring?
10.37 We exited the plane and went into the transfer bus to the terminal. Now we'll see if we can enter the country. Otherwise we'll have to spend the night at the terminal. But then I want back my backpack.
11.11 We saw a man who collapsed as we stood in the pass port queue. Staff and his friends gathered around him. We hoped it wasn’t anything serious. A little later we saw the man get on his feet again. There was photos taken and questions asked before the visa to Qatar were paid and stamped. Now we are thinking about lunch. It is after all Ramadan and we have not found any open restaurant here at the airport. Soon I will get out in my first and last country on Q but especially the 100th country I´ve been in.
11.22 Our ”taxi” has started rolling from the airport area and to the hotel. It is doubtful whether it is a real taxi. We walked towards the taxis and were caught there by a driver. His car was, however, at a completely different place. It is most likely no official taxi. It's hot in Doha and Qatar today. It is in other words as it always is.
11.42 Fuda Hotel and room 203 will be our home during two days. The room offers two bars of soap and some shampoo. It's good, then we will not have to buy it. Though what the heck, a little shampoo is probably no big deal. Once again we seem to have only one towel. Why is it just one towel in a twin room? Now it is clear and officially, I've been in a hundred different countries so far in my life.
12.49 News broadcasts by Qatar-based Al-Jazeera News and BBC World News has informed about a small earthquake in Athens and a fire at the airport in Nairobi. I have been in the lobby here at the hotel and bought liquid that we consumed. It is a classic for us, Mirinda orange. Moreover, it has been arranged with a second towel to the room.
13.33 We left the hotel and walk slowly towards the promenade along the sea, the Corniche. We move slowly ever so slow to avoid drawing unnecessary running rivers of sweat but to avoid sweat in these temperatures is completely unrealistic. Now we have cooled down with wet wipes. It's awfully hot today and it is a bit cool in the breeze from the sea.
14.09 We have reached the sea and have so far covered 700 meters of the "Corniche". How do I know now that? Well, where we started, it said 4600 meters on a stone in the street and just now it said 3900 meters on another stone. I don’t know what can be found 3900 meters away. However, I know that I sweat and have a runny nose. We have looked at the fishing boats of wood and beautiful fish in the clear blue water.
14.24 Now it's only 3000 meters left. We've managed to walk one kilometer in fifteen minutes. Not bad in this heat! However, there are people who are even more crazy. We have met a number of people jogging during our walk.
15.00 It's time for a new bench break in the shade. A short distance away is the giant Orry. It is a large statue of the mascot for the Asian Games, held in this city in 2006. Orry is an oryx, the country's national animal.
15.30 4000 meter Corniche walk is over. The last few meters were made in the shade of the tall houses here in the Diplomatic Area. I sit on a concrete foundation of a small flagpole. It is +39ºC hot and I am really thirsty. We have once again made one of our insane walks.
16.10 Finally, and I mean finally, we have arrived at the shopping mall City Center Doha. That last bit we wandered around in areas for cars. It was way much longer distance here than we expected when we began our walk. We arrived completely drenched in sweat. Here in the mall is an ice hockey rink. Something else to be found here are cafes and restaurants. However, they are closed, it's Ramadan. The supermarket Carrefour is open but you can not eat and drink in public places during daylight hours. This applies to everyone, regardless of faith and origin. That's how they have interpreted the fasting here in Qatar. We sit on a bench and wait. Time passes very slowly.
17.17 We have moved, stood and sat. We have looked at the restaurants we could have eaten at if they were open or we can visit later. Now we know that Starbucks opens at 17.30. Before we go there we first have to get us something to drink and then food and more drink. I start to feel both hungry and thirsty.
17.41 Starbucks is still closed. However, there are some activities there. Should it be so hard to open on time?
18.03 Now, Starbucks has opened a shutter and we have entered. However, they are not open for sale. We are waiting for Iftar, the call for prayers announcing the sunset. When the sun sets, it is OK to order, eat and drink. A fountain is splashing not far from here. They might open around 18.30.
18.19 Rarely if ever has a call to prayer been as welcome as this. Can we order now or must he finish the call first?
18.29 I am blessed as a desert wanderer who reached an oasis. Before me stands two bottles of Freex Lemon Ice. In addition, a cup with ice and straw. Christer is drinking freshly squeezed orange juice. This is our fifth new Starbucks country this year.
18.54 The dinner places we had planned to visit were already full. The sun is down, the fast is over, now everyone wants to eat. The restaurants were filled in no time by hungry people. We have gone to Pizza Express, a boring choice but here we have a place to sit.
20.26 We went to old, faithful old Carrefour after dinner. Now we have bought evening drink, the toiletries we need and breakfast for tomorrow morning. We took a taxi home and upon returning home, ordered a new taxi for 06.30 tomorrow when we´ll head to the airport.
21.28 The long day has begun to take its toll. Sure, the clock is just half past nine but in Dhaka where we got up at 05.05 is it already 00.28. Now we look at football on channel GOON TV. We do not know from which country is broadcasting it. We hear Arabic and see text in French. The players are both black and North Africans.
21.56 It's time for sleep. Tomorrow is approaching the final leg of this long journey.
Afterwords: Goon TV is broadcasting from Sudan.
05.43 Today is the last day in more ways than one. Today is the end of Ramadan and today is the end of our trip. For the muslims await several days of festivities. For us awaits nothing special. On the TV, we heard that a plane from Lion Air has collided with a cow in Indonesia. Some genius had let his cows graze on a runway at a small airport.
06.26 Our final lobby-sitting on this journey has begun. We are at Fuda Hotel and are waiting for the last taxi. Now we no longer fly away, we'll fly home. I wonder if our backpacks had a good time at the airport and if they want to come with us on the plane.
07.16 Everything flows as it should be here at Doha International Airport. The taxi trip, passport control and security checks have been completed smoothly. Now we are in the departure lounge and are about to order coffee at Costa Coffee.
07.59 Now there are different ways of waiting for a flight. You can stand in the queue at the gate and you can sit down in peace and quiet. We have chosen the latter option. We wait here until the queue start to move.
08.21 The queue got going and so did we. Now we are sitting in the shuttle bus. There has been time to hear something we have not heard the whole trip, whining, complaining. Why are people feeling a need to do that? Why don´t we leave? And so on. Not unexpectedly the whining was in our own mother tongue, Swedish.
08.48 Rarely has a bus trip inside an airport taken so long. Now we have boarded a Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Disgruntlement among people continues; I can not sit here. Where should I have my stuff? One of the staff was probably a bit tired. She smiled at me and said, Good afternoon. After a quick look at the clock it was changed to Good morning.
09.15 We are late. There are many planes waiting. But what are some extra minutes after seven weeks of travelling.
09.29 Time is set to home time. The journey to Sweden has begun. We have been promised breakfast.
13.22 Not much has happened since last time. We have been eaten and been part of the entertainment offered us passengers; of the flight itself remains over an hour. The windows lack the classic plastic curtain. Instead, they just need a gentle touch to become more toned.
14.05 Now we're beginning approach the airport. What awaits us down there? Our backpacks? Will there be headlines about sad semi celebrities? Whatever the offer, it is in any case a step closer to home.
15.28 Our backpacks came with around fifteen minutes in between them. Both backpacks have been looked into and then been closed a bit sloppy. Sure, they may look how much they now want. I have nothing to hide but they may well restore everything. Headlines in the newspapers then, yes, they inform about how to get more money in your wallet and a new medication for upset stomachs. We are on the classic place at Pressbyrån and will now call home to our families.
16.15 The phone calls have been made and we have now regrouped to Sky City. We sit on a bench outside a bank.
17.07 None of our trips is complete if we don’t visit the restaurant Alfredo's so therefore we are now there, here for a late lunch or if it's dinner, who knows?
17.49 Niklas Sundström arriving from Moscow has through the speakers been asked to contact the luggage office. In an hour we´ll sit on the train to Sundsvall.
18.42 The night train to Narvik is delayed. This also means that the fast train to Sundsvall is also late. We assume that the fast train will pass the night train somewhere on the railroad north. Here comes the night train.
19.10 Just as we rolled into Uppsala the Narvik train rolled out. The hunt continues.
21.09 I have not kept track on where we passed the night train. It's getting dark outside. We haven’t seen such a bright sky at this time for a while.
21.47 Soon we will arrive in Sundsvall. Once there, everything should be brought up to Christer's apartment. There, everything ends. I´m thinking about the last week. On Monday we were in Singapore, on Tuesday in Dhaka, yesterday we were in Doha and now we are here.
22.39 The final steps have been completed in the wet. The last day is over. We have now reached the end!
Monday 5th of August
This is a "twin room" according to Sleepy Kiwi Hostel.
Monday morning in our tiny room.
Masjid Sultan, the mosque in our neighbourhood Kampong Glam.
A rainy day in Singapore.
Bugis Station, Singapore.
Is this green building occupied by Singapore nationalists?
Singapore citizens crossing Victoria Street.
Civilian War Memorial, Singapore.
Christer in front of the famous Raffles Hotel.
Looking towards central Singapore.
Singapore Sling, one of the most famous drinks in the world.
Haji Lane, Singapore.
Sleepy Kiwi Hostel. Don´t stay here.
Heading towards Changi International Airport.
MRT is the name of Singapore´s excellent transport system.
Peter is ordering food at Macau Express.
We are finally in our room at Green House Guesthouse.
Taka is the name of the currency in Bangladesh.
Tuesday 6th of August
Lots of rain made us change our plans for this day.
Christer is using the computer at Green House Guesthouse.
We found a book from the Swedish author Dagerman.
Peaceful streets in Baridhara, unique for Dhaka.
Interesting wires above Christer´s head.
Green House Guesthouse, Dhaka.
Never say no to a comfortable sofa.
Walking in Dhaka is not for everyone.
You can see Peter behind a pizza at Spaghetti Jazz.
Buildings in northern Dhaka.
Waiting for the next customer.
Peter is walking towards our temporary home.
Peter had a short meeting with Tavani and her cousin.
Wednesday 7th of August
A plane from Qatar Airways waited for us and will bring us closer to our home.
Fuda Hotel, Doha.
The lightblue taxi cars transports hungry passengers during Ramadan.
Christer is experiencing 39 degrees in Doha.
Qatar Islamic Cultural Center.
Avenues in the sun, Doha.
Traditional fishing boats and modern buildings.
Pearl Fountain, Doha.
We are looking at this long walk´s final destination.
These pictures can be found when walking along the corniche in Doha.
Orry remembers the Asian games in 2006.
Christer is resting and prepares himself for the last part of this long walk.
Burj Qatar with its interesting architecture.
Icerink in City Center Doha Mall.
City Center Doha, cool, comfortable but without open restaurants.
Thursday 8th of August
It´s time to check out from Fuda Hotel.
Doha International Airport.
We are leaving hot Qatar and travel towards a cooler climate.
We are back at Arlanda airport after a long fantastic trip.
Peter has now visited 100 countries. It´s worth a t-shirt!
You can see 56 photos from August 5 in this photoalbum.
You can see 29 photos from August 6 in this photoalbum.
You can see 68 photos from August 7 in this photoalbum.
You can see 15 photos from August 8 in this photoalbum.