Photos of me
When I was very young.
Me and Bobo.
Learning to eat.
Me with my grandparents dog.
Me and cousin Ylva giving hugs to Grandma.
Me and the friends.
A sister is born, 1977.
I´m a truck driver.
School photo 1981.
Bonzo wants to swim, 1982.
Last school day, June 1983.
School photo 1984.
Me with goat friends at Jamtli, Östersund.
Passive when baking gingerbread.
School photo 1986.
School photo 1989.
Family trip to Turkey, april 1992.
Soldier Lundstedt at Åreskutan peak, March 1993.
Bicycle excursion in Umeå during the geography studies 1994.
Visiting my dad in Östersund 1994.
Photo for my first website, Umeå University 1996.
Brännboll (rounders) in Umeå, May 1997.
During the brännboll tournament, Umeå 1997.
Spring 1998 in Umeå.
During a visit in Växjö, april 1999.
Christmas time 2002.
Together with my nephew Anton, May 2005.
With basketball injured hand, June 2005.
Everything is green, Minsk, June 2005.
Visiting Linköping, autumn 2005.
On the west coast of Ireland, June 2006.
On a beautiful beach, Borneo, Malaysia, July 2006.
Testing Riga Balzam, March 2007.
In the boat at Lake Krokvågssjön 2008.
In front of the house in Krokvågssjön 2010.
Breakfast in San José, Costa Rica, July 2011.
Bali, Indonesia, July 2013.
Machu Picchu, Peru, July 2015.
Taking a photo at work, Höglundaskolan
In Viljandi, Estonia, June 2017.
Enjoying the views, Azores, April 2018.
A visit to Bilbao, April 2019.
At a café in Chile, July 2019.
Travelling in northern Sweden, June 2020.